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About new pet

How Do I Know If A New Pet  Consultation Is Right For Me And My Family?

There is SO much information out there regarding pet care; training, food, supplements, pet supplies, veterinary care and overall health.


Most often new pet owners adopt their new dog or cat and are then left to fend for themselves to figure out what to feed, what supplies to buy, how to budget, how to potty train, what veterinary care is needed, and MORE!


It can definitely be confusing to figure out where to turn, and what to do.


That's where Happy Trails Pets Comes in! I want you to welcome your new pet home with confidence and success!



Welcome Home New Pet


















Looking for one-on-one support for all things related to your new dog/ cat?! You've come to the right place!


I will go over all of your pet's health records and answer any questions you may have about your new dog or puppy (this consultation is not yet available for cats). We will discuss a variety of topics related to new pet ownership and work together while giving you guidance along the way with all the resources and knowledge you need to keep your new pet happy, healthy, safe, and loved in their new home!


Get all your questions answered & tackle homecoming with confidence!

Is a new pet consult right for me

Learn more about what it means to be a new pet owner!

My Goal:

  • To set your family up for success and avoid re-surrender or neglect of the pet.

  • To help sort out realistic expectations when adopting.


It’s important to take into account the many factors of change surrounding the ownership of a new pet. Time, energy, finances, kids, etc. Developing a plan of action can help you and your family welcome a new addition with less stress and more success to create a great foundation for well-rounded family dynamics.




Clearly, we have some work to do.


It’s important to acknowledge these facts as a way we can improve pet care overall.

I want to help families keep their new pets in the home to avoid heartache and emotional strain on both the animals, and their humans due to re-surrender.



Wanting to get a pet, but not sure where to start? It can definitely feel overwhelming!


I see many families rush off to adopt a new furry (or feathered) companion, but don't take the time to research or plan for the new addition.


This can lead to health/ behavioral problems, and even a re-surrender of the pet.


Fortunately, we can work together to avoid these problems altogether.


In order to be sure we are addressing the emotional and physical needs of an animal, we need to consider a few things first.


I see mistakes made all too often: that cute little fluffy puppy is up for adoption, and rapidly grows into a rambunctious dog who needs far more mental and physical exercise than can be provided... He ends up back in the shelter.


A few frequent occurrences that set families up for struggle or failure:


  • Pet is adopted because they are cute, or they cheap/ free.

And I'll say it 1,000 times over: No pet is free!! There are countless expenses when it comes to pet ownership.


  • Adopting a pet that fits your personal lifestyle is ESSENTIAL to avoid problems in the future.


If you have never owned a pet and have kids, a smaller low maintenance pet may be a great idea such as a guinea pig! But with that, comes some research on what is needed to properly care for them, even though they are 'less work' than a dog.


  • Adopting a pet 'for the child.'

Parents sometimes have the expectation that the child is responsible for the pet. Yes, they can and definitely should help with care taking for the animal... But they are a child, it is NOT their responsibility. It is yours.


Some families also wonder about getting a pet for their other pet as a companion. This consultation is perfect for finding the right fit! After the adoption, I will be here to support you and your pets adjust to the change. Some animals have a hard time accepting another animal in their home and it can bring some conflict.


Whether you are a new pet owner, a parent, live in the big city, or the suburbs or are looking for a companion for your other pet.. Be sure you and your family are fully supported and ready to accept a new member of the family into your home!



Post- Adoption:

After the addition of your new family member, you may be looking for additional help and resources.


A Welcome Home New Pet Consultation is the perfect fit for your new bundle of joy!


It will include both nutritional and behavioral support along with many other areas of importance.


You may be asking:

  • Do I need to kennel train?

  • How can we make potty training easier?

  • What leash should I use?

  • How can I be sure all my pet's needs are being met?

  • What do I feed?

  • Should I be giving flea/ tick preventatives?

  • When should I spay/ neuter?


Plus how to manage many other new homecoming problems such as anxiety or fear associated with a new environment.


With a New Pet Consult, you will be supported in more ways than I can simply cover here!


Book a call today if you're ready to be supported on your new journey!

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