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Tailored Wellness: Why Personalized Food & Supplement Recommendations Are Best for Improving Your Pet's Health

Updated: Mar 17, 2024

canine nutritionist pet health and wellness personalized food recommendations for best diet and supplements for dogs and cats

"So What Food/ Supplements Do You Recommend?!"


A question I receive daily! And one that I won't answer. This may sound weird, or even rude to you, but here's the deal...

I get SO many questions about food and supplements.

And I'm beyond grateful that pet owners seek me out for my help and advice.

But, it's not so easy as to just simply name a brand.

A lot of factors go into making nutritional recommendations.


If you were wanting to begin working out and losing some weight, would you message your local gym and ask a personal trainer what the best exercise routine is for you and expect a quick, detailed answer? 


❌ No.


They would tell you that you need to schedule a time to go over their plans, and sign up for one of their programs to be sure you're getting personalized support and the results you're seeking. 


If you were to call a wellness clinic and ask to speak with a dietician because you have possible food intolerances, get frequent loose stools, and are wondering what the best diet plan would be, do you think they'd give you a straight answer? 


❌ No. 


You would need to schedule an appointment so they could review your history, medical records, lifestyle choices and talk with you in-depth about any changes that may need to happen, and they may even recommend some testing be done to get a better look at what is going on inside your body.

💯 Same goes for me.


This is my business.

I am not here to give free personalized recommendations via email or Facebook messenger. I pride myself in providing an in-depth, individualized approach to health and wellness, as well as having over a decade of research in this area and continuously keeping up with pet food related news, studies, etc.


The consultations I deliver to my Clients include a thorough intake and records review, discussion about dietary choices, environmental factors that may be adversely affecting your pet's health and so much more. I then create a customized plan that is tailored to your dog or cat's individual needs, as well as your lifestyle, budget, time, and preferences.


My social media platforms are an extension of my business to give general tips for promoting better health. I will not suggest brands of food or specific supplements for your pet without a full consultation. 


💥 Period.

Some pet food companies have had dangerous recalls, and even lawsuits for pet illness and death. They tend to use very low quality, and contaminated ingredients! Some supplements have fillers, artificial preservatives and other unhealthy, and inflammatory ingredients.


I do NOT recommend any big name brands, and those with a long history of recalls, and lawsuits.

So, you might be wondering:

"How do you make suggestions then?! What goes into thought?"


Factors That Affect Food Recommendations

🌺 A little bit about me:

I'm a Pet Health Consultant and Canine Nutritionist who is passionate about optimizing wellness with individualized care, and enhancing the Human-Animal Bond through education and support. My mission is in empowering pet owners to make informed decisions with confidence. 


My main focus is on nutrition and gut health, while also promoting ways to live a non-toxic lifestyle.


Here's what's important when someone is making nutritional recommendations:

1. Your pet's needs.

Switching to a higher quality food doesn't automatically mean it's suitable for your dog or cat. Yes, even I have made this mistake. Calories can vary drastically between 2 foods, so even if the ingredients are better, it may not fit your animal's needs. I always take caloric needs into account. I also like to know what other foods you have tried. If your pet did not do good on duck, then I can narrow down my recommendation and avoid potentially triggering anymore problems related to duck.

2. Your budget.

When someone asks about what food I would recommend, I always ask what they are willing to dish out... Literally! I like to tailor my suggestions to your needs, as well as your pet's. There are thousands of foods on the market at every price point imaginable. Some protein types are far more expensive than others as well. So while I look into what may be suitable for your dog or cat, I'm also taking into account your budget.

I like to be sure you get the best quality that you are able to afford! This can be a huge debate among the holistic community when everyone wants to shout "Raw is best!" ... Raw is best for who? The animal? What about the single parent who is not able to source or afford a raw food diet?

*Learn more about raw feeding here.

3. Where you prefer to shop.

If you only like to shop at one store, what I recommend would be very different than if you were willing to shop online. Big box stores & common grocery stores don't often carry the brands I trust and prefer. But if that is all you have to go off of, we can make do with what we've got.

4. Preferences

Would you prefer to feed kibble for cost and convenience? Does your cat only like to eat canned food? Does your senior dog struggle to crunch on dry kibble? Maybe you want to feed a raw or even a hybrid diet. Are you interested in making a homemade raw or cooked diet? I always tailor diets to you and your pet's preferences.


What Else Should Be Considered with Nutritional Recommendations?

Many other things will affect what is recommend for your pet as well, such as:

  • Age

Aging pets may need additional immune support as well as different nutrient requirements to maintain good muscle mass, joint health, and cognitive function.

  • Breed

Certain breeds have certain needs. Some are prone to weight problems, others are predisposed to join health issues.

  • Lifestyle & activity level

Extremely active dogs and cats will need a nutrient dense, high protein diet. Sedentary animals will need a lower calorie food with a set feeding schedule to avoid over-eating.

  • Health history

This includes and past or present symptoms/ health concerns. The individual pet's medical history and health conditions are always a major facotr. For instance, cats and dogs with a UTI history will need a higher moisture diet with supportive supplements.

  • Geography/ climate

I also love to recommend seasonal dietary support with changing weather to assist in promoting optimal health and adaptation to environmental factors. Various climates can cause activity and metabolic changes in pets. It's important to help your dog or cat adapt to their environment as best as possible. Warming broths are a great addition for winter, whereas summer may bring a diet with more fish for cooling the body.

  • Weight

Overweight dogs and cats need close monitoring and a tailored diet per their individual needs which are based on a set of metabolic calculations. Weight loss or gain requires specific nutrients and various areas of extra support such as cleansing/ detox.


Why Individualized Care is So Important & Beneficial

As explained above, there are many reasons why I obtain a detailed history and other information to provide the best insight to what may help you dog or cat achieve optimal health & vitality!

*Anyone who is not considering all of the above when they suggest a food or supplement for your animal, should raise a huge red flag! This should also include using caution when taking generic advice from social media and influencers online.

While it may be frustrating wanting a quick answer to resolve your concerns, just know that the work I do is thorough and it provides great results due to how I've structured my signature programs. 

Dis-ease is not created overnight, and neither is health. Things take time to balance out, which is why my unique approach includes weeks to months of one-on-one guidance and support. 


Not only do we focus on your pet's health, but also your goals and mindset so we can make energetic shifts happen that allow more balance to come forth with ease.


  • I am not an influencer.

  • I am not paid just to promote and recommend brands/ products.

I think people tend to get irritated when I don't just give them a list of 'good brands' or a 'good supplement.'

And understandably so! We all want to do what's best for our animals.

So why wouldn't I just recommend a huge list of the brands that I approve of?

Well, aside from needing to take into account the many aspects of health and wellness... one of the main reasons that I don't is:

I want people to do their research.

Pet owners need to know the WHY.

Why is "product XYZ" better?

Why is it more suitable for their pet's needs than another?

I want people to know the WHY behind why a food is 'good' or 'bad.

If I just start naming food/ supplement brands and products, will you know what the reasoning is behind that?


You are following blindly just as most do with mainstream recommendations. You may become frustrated and even panicked when you go to the store to buy a new bag, then it doesn't work for your pet, then you are on to the next one on the 'list.'

This approach is trial and error and is a waste of time and money,

I teach people the necessary tools to carry on throughout life for future pets to be healthy, too! 

  • Life skills being developed. 

  • Knowledge gained. 

  • Confidence built.

With these discussions, we also talk about nutritional needs, disease processes, and alternative modalities. It's not always just about the food (but it definitely sets the foundation)! This is especially true for cases that involve itching... There are often other factors at play such as gut health, stress/anxiety, or even environmental toxins like candles and dryer sheets being used in the home. So no, Fluffy doesn't just need fish oil for his itching...

I want people to know how to look for a brand with minimal to no recalls, to be aware of who sources their ingredients from trusted places, etc.

If someone just tells you:

"Hey this is good!" Then do you even really know if it's good? That's the same as simply trusting a brand that isn't good.

I want people to be curious and look into things. To ask questions. To understand what good nutrition means. To have a firm grasp on physiological processes, energetics, and the gene expression that food can provide.

Everyone just wants a quick fix nowadays. I like to teach valuable skills to make better choices so pet owners, like you, can use that knowledge for life with other pets down the road. Because each animal you have will be so very different in their nutritional requirements throughout their life and at different stages.


When You Want Generic Advice

Social media and online forums can be great for hearing others' experiences and what they do with their pets... but it's not specific to you and your dog/cat.

Examples of when someone wants specific advice for their pet:

A woman I was messaging seemed upset because I wouldn't give her specific recommendations for her dog's UTI (including bloody urine). I explained multiple times that if it's a repeating issue (had it 2x in 2 months) then more testing needs to be done with a vet and probably a diet change, with supportive supplements. I stated that there could be many variables with recurring urinary problems… it may not even be a UTI (a culture was never done) and it could possibly be crystals or even stones, which may be why antibiotics aren't working, etc.

I can't just make a blanket recommendation, and yes I feel bad, but I would hate to suggest something when I don't know what else her dog may be dealing with. This could waste her time and money.

When I first started providing consultations I was chatting with someone who stated she wanted a new food because their cat had an upset stomach... And the further I got into asking questions, the more the picture became clearer. She said their cat had chronic kidney disease and was old…

That is serious! And it is precisely why I no longer make any recommendations for anything without a full consultation, which requires a full history being taken and a full review of the animal's veterinary records.

Another post I saw recently was a cat with dandruff, the owner wanted a topical for the skin and everyone was commenting to recommend that this person add more fats and oils to the cat's diet. It turns out that the cat was very obese and eating a big name brand of food. Simply adding more fats and oils to a low-quality diet for an overweight pet is not going to help the skin, or any other health condition for that matter.

Dog and cat owners need to be properly informed when it comes to their pet's nutritional status. What is fed to the pet can either fight disease, or feed it!

My work as a Pet Health Consultant and Canine Nutritionist is to be one-on-one with Clients. I don't sell courses that provide generalized advice (though I do have a blog). It's really important to know what specific needs should be addressed, what health history their is, and certain medical conditions are present.


💕 I hope this helps you understand and respect the work that I do. 

And as always:

I'll be here to provide support and resources to those who need it, but if you're seeking specific advice for your pet, please schedule a consultation with me so you can receive the care and guidance that will assist you in creating better health your dog or cat to live a happy and well-rounded life alongside their favorite human… you!!

Remember, this is more than just a brand recommendation. I want you to provide the best for your pet in every way possible, armed with knowledge, so you and your pet can have Happy Trails!


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"Dedicated to helping, and empowering pet owners to make better decisions in order to improve the health and well-being of their pets, naturally. Because when you know better, you can do better."

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