Dis-ease is a dysfunction of the whole patient.
Allopathic medicine will treat the DISEASE.
But they very rarely treat the PATIENT.
They don't make the patient healthy.
They don't restore balance to the body.
They target the area of concern or dis-ease and destroy it.
Think tumors.
Think ear infections.
Because that's what they know..
Definition of insanity:
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I see this a LOT in the veterinary (as well as human medical) industry.
Continuously prescribing antibiotics for ear infections, continuously attacking the immune system with harsh drugs, repeat procedures to eliminate 'problem areas' like a wart or lump....
When do we stop and say:
"Hey, maybe this isn't working. Let's try a different approach!" ....
🌄 Let's get to the ROOT cause, and begin healing.
Do you know someone who has ever dealt with severe acne?? Did they use dangerous chemicals to destroy it at the surface?... Guess what, if you stop using your acne medications... The acne usually comes back!
Why? Because the acne isn't the problem!! It's an underlying issue with the body.
This could be hormonal, or the body teying to expel toxins (the skin is a huge detox pathway).
Acne is only a symptom.
Perhaps we might say: "If we balance out the hormones in the body, the acne would clear itself up."
The. Root. Cause.
This can go for food allergies, and many other things....
In a holistic world... The patient is seen as a whole, and the disease is an imbalance of the patient. When you heal the underlying imbalance, the disease goes away.
This is not to say, however, that genetics do not play a role. Especially for more serious congenital problems. But these, too, can be managed with a holistic approach to rebalance the body. Not everything has to be targeted, suppressed and/ or destroyed.
Bring back balance, eliminate (or at least decrease the prevalence of) dis-ease.
What can be used to bring balance?
This question has more answers than I can list.
Diet & supplement changes
Sound Healing
Research into these alternative modalities can be found in The Holistic Handbook, located in The Wellness Library!
Each patient and their state of imbalance is different, which is why it's so important to address each patient individually. Instead of just seeing a symptom, making a blanket diagnosis, and sending the patient on their way with a medication... We should be working closely with each individual to personalize care and bring balance back to the body.
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